Which Social Media Platform Is Right For Your Business

Trying to navigate the social media space can be daunting and overwhelming. It seems that every week a new platform becomes available and is a ‘must’ for all businesses (I’m looking at you TikTok). With Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, SnapChat (and the list goes on), one can begin to feel that there is no way they can be across them all. Well, I have some good news for you - you don’t need to be. 

So how do you know which social media platform is right for your business? It all comes down to your audience and your content. Let me explain.

Find Out Which Platforms Your Audience Uses

We use social media to connect with people. And it’s the same for your business. You need to find out where your audience is and where they will be receptive to your content. There is no point wasting your time on a platform that your audience doesn’t use.

So how do you find this out? The answer is analytics. Have a look at the data that is being tracked on your website, within your Google Analytics and your current social media platforms. This information will tell you the age group of your audience, their gender, their location, and an endless amount of additional information so you can build personas around them.

Once you know the demographics around your audience, you can begin to nut down which platforms they will be using by looking at the demographics of the users on each platform.

Top Social Media Sites of 2022

So let’s take a look at the top social media platforms of 2022. This will allow you to decipher where you can find your audience and what kind of content they are interacting with:


Now it’s no wonder that Facebook is at the top of the list. With nearly 3 billion users a month, Facebook is a content machine. It allows for all content mediums; text, images, videos and stories which can make it seem like a free-for-all. However the Facebook algorithm is extremely sophisticated and it will prioritise content that creates meaningful interactions between its users and sparks conversations. 

Should I be on Facebook?

Facebook is a great platform for building the loyalty of your existing customer base. So if you want to build brand loyalty and share information with your existing audience, then Facebook is a great platform for you. However if your main objective is to acquire new business, then Facebook might not be your best option as it can be hard to reach a new audience organically on this platform.

What kind of content should I be posting?

Meaningful, engaging content. Not just images that you are sharing across from your instagram. Facebook is a great place to post your blog articles, share videos, and ask questions from your audience.


YouTube is an absolute beast of a social media platform. Not only is it the second largest after Facebook, it is also referred to as the ‘second largest search engine after Google’. Made up of purely video content, YouTube is where people go to both learn and be entertained.

Should I be on YouTube?

If you have a business that can offer educational, lifestyle, and How To videos, then YouTube could be a great choice for you. It can show that you are an expert in your field, and also allow your audience to connect with you and your brand on a personal level.

What kind of content should I be posting?

Videos, videos, and more videos. These can be promotional videos, how-to videos, unboxing videos, product highlights etc. Be careful not to just share your Reels or TikToks on YouTube. YouTube is a platform for longer length videos where people are looking to gain valuable information or be entertained.


Instagram is a visual platform that is perfect for showcasing your products or services using photos and videos. It even provides you with filters so you can turn an average looking photo taken with your iPhone into a clean and professional one.

Should I be on Instagram?

Instagram can be an invaluable platform for both product and service based businesses. It allows you to showcase not only your products, but also your brand’s identity, values and personality. We recommend all businesses should be on Instagram.

What kind of content should I be posting?

The great thing about Instagram is that you can post virtually anything as long as it is in photo or video format. And it doesn’t all have to be your own content. User-generated content is a great way to get more content for your business without having to create it. 

One thing to note - the Instagram algorithm wants you to use video as it’s more engaging and keeps users on the app for longer. So if you post a video or Reel, the algorithm will help you reach more people. So if you can try and create videos, Reels and Stories as often as you can.


TikTok, the new kid on the social media block. TikTok has really burst onto the scene and has become one of the fastest growing apps in the world. TikTok allows users to create and share short-form videos (between 15 and 60 seconds) using filters, music, and sound effects. 

Should I be on TikTok?

If your target demographic is young (under 25), then TikTok is a great platform for your business to be on. The TikTok demographic is shifting however, so soon it could be a great platform to use for an older audience as well.

What kind of content should I be posting?

TikTok is all about real time, engaging video content. That means behind the scenes, unpackaging, following trends, and highly entertaining videos that will capture someone's attention as the scroll. So only move to this platform if you are able to produce this kind of content, otherwise you will get lost in the crowd.


Pinterest has become a one-stop shop for discovering new products, finding inspiration, and developing new ideas. By ‘pinning’ photos that link to a website, users can save blog posts, images, products and any other content that they find. 

Should I be on Pinterest?:

You should highly consider using Pinterest for your business if you fall into the following categories; fashion, beauty, home and garden, and DIY. Also with 70% of users being female, if you provide a female focussed product or service Pinterest could be a great option for your brand.

What kind of content should I be posting?

Pinterest is a visual based platform, therefore you will need striking photography and strong graphics to engage users. By linking engaging imagery to your website, you can increase your site traffic and increase your conversions.


Twitter is all about real time information. Whether that’s news, entertainment, politics, sport, product launches, or anything else, it is information that is happening and trending right now. 

Should I be on Twitter?

Twitter is a great platform to build awareness for your business and provide real time updates to your audience providing a seamless and timely service. Also if your target demographic is male, then Twitter could be a great option for you.

What kind of content should I be posting?

Timely updates, notices, launches, anything that you feel your customer base should know. And to increase your reach beyond your current audience, you can search hashtags and get insight into topics that are trending and base your content around popular conversations. Engage with other users and be part of conversations that relate to your business.

Now that you know which platform is right for you and your business, it’s time to start creating some content and engaging your audience. But remember, quality is better than quantity, so only go on a platform if you have the capacity to do it well and consistently.

Need help with your social media? Reach out to us and we’ll be more than happy to help.


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